martes, 13 de enero de 2009

Time is chained to my wrist
Chained to my life
How can I free it if I’ve become so dependent?
Now my existence is being ruled by minutes

A ticking noise shows that I’m late
This disease that made me erased my memories
Now I only live in present

I’m falling down into a monotonous routine
Tied into a grey reality
A repetitiveness of images and flashes
There is nothing else to achieve

I am the one whose life has been meticulously counted
The one that does exactly what’s been told
I am the slave of this prison ……I’m a volunteer
By Carolina

lunes, 12 de enero de 2009

Our assessment in English class was to write about what we think about emos; honestly, I have no personal opinion about them. I think some are trying to find their identity and want the acceptance of a certain group, maybe the need of attention. But I cannot generalize who they are. I do have a point of view about the aggression and rejection they have suffered. Some people have no tolerance towards what is unusual or don’t respect the different views of the world and become very judgmental about any atypical thing around them.
Everyone has the right to be.
By Carolina